Disabling right-click-to-paste in Putty


I use Putty because I’m primarily a Linux or Mac person using Windows to SSH in to another machine who doesn’t want to set up anything heavy just to get a terminal. I’ve used Linux at work as my primary desktop for 10 years and I have a Mac laptop. I use Windows sometimes if I’m working from home.

So Putty works fine. However, by default Putty will copy and paste anything in your clipboard / copy buffer into the window upon a right mouse click. This means you could accidentally paste totally inappropriate stuff into IRC if you use irssi/weechat + screen.

I’ve done this once in 8 years, but it sucked. A lot. Here’s how to avoid it:

  • Right click the title bar, choose “Change settings…”
  • Choose “Selection” under the “Window” sectoin.
  • Under “Action of mouse buttons:” choose something besides “Compromise” (that’s the “use right click to paste your super secret clipboard into public IRC channels” setting). I chose “Windows (Middle extends, Right brings up menu)” which is normal behavior on Mac/Linux too.

If you use Putty for IRC, you should do this.